#HiddenTrestles Starting Point Location

Now listen up you shutterbugs meet at the above location 8am, Saturday October 5th , ready to walk all the way to the ocean, bring water and snacks, if you pack it in, you will have to pack it out, this is the experience of a California beach from yesteryear. There are no pedicabs, no beach bars, no cheese and chips. We can guarantee on your journey that you will see many forms of native wildlife, core California surf culture and other impressive things that thousands of others are passing by every hour of every day at a high rate of speed. But YOU are going to stop and take notice. So next Saturday get outside and share your world. Remember, if you are just hanging out with the people that you already know, you are doing it wrong... #HiddenTrestles coincides serendipitously with World Wide PhotoWalk Day #WWPD so if you can't make it here, perhaps you can make it there. There is plenty of free parking Signup Here! Click Here For Dir...