Yes On A Giveaway
No On A Tax Increase! Concerned resident and letter writer Jeff Chambers incorrectly defines the hotly debated Playa Del Norte project as: "This is not a land grab." When what it is - is: "a city owned, beach-land giveaway." City-owned means, "public owned." We the residents of SC, own the North Beach acreage, some in city-gov are ready to "give away." It's that simple. Beach-front property in SoCal is the most expensive "land" anywhere. Everyone knows it. North Beach's city-owned beach front property (ours) is valued at $9-million, and or $6-million after infrastructure improvements (before a structure could be built there). It's worth repeating: SC's citizenry own NB's $9-million hunk of precious beach-front acreage. If "Leased," a proper return to the city would be about $700,000 annually. But, in the NB-deal (carrot) our city is offering the LAB (developer), is a 55-year l...